There is no doubt that virtual events can get technical and complicated, but that doesn’t mean we can’t implement strategies to simplify the processes and ensure we’re setting ourselves up for a successful event. If you’re still believe that a virtual event is simply utilizing a laptop to stream a video or set up a zoom call, you are gravely mistaken.
In today’s market, utilizing a virtual event platform in the standard in event planning and execution. To simplify what an event platform is, is to simply describe it as an ecosystem that houses many opportunities for participants, to learn, engage (freely and strategically), and explore a multitude of sessions, speakers, interactive elements while staying in one hub that simplifies their digital journey. Which ever platform you decide to use for your event, here are three things you can do to avoid a virtual disaster.
Which ever platform you decide to use for your event, here are three things you can do to avoid a virtual disaster.
Virtual Cr8tive

Before your event, it is essential you schedule a time to do a technical audit of your presenter’s hardware, software (do they have the latest version), and setup (Audio, Camera, Lighting). Such an audit can pinpoint any potential threats that can jeopardize the presenter’s session, which will ultimately affect the attendees experience. When auditing each speaker, you want to test their internet connection to ensure their upload speed is a at least 12mpbs. Upload speeds refer to the speed at which they will transmit their video feed. The higher their upload speed, the better.
Lighting is an essential component, so you’ll want to make sure they are properly lit, otherwise it can get distracting looking at a poorly lit speaker which will also affect engagement. We cover best practices in another blog, so make sure to read all about that if you want additional insight.

Something to take into account is the platform you choose may very well be the first time a user will experience navigating through it, so it’s a good idea to create a quick video tutorial showing your attendees the platform and where they can find everything. By doing so, you are automatically creating a sense of familiarity when they login in for the first time which in turn increases your chances of attendee retention and exploration.

Let’s face it! We are creatures of habit, and knowing you may need to learn a new platform to present your session can be daunting. One of the cool features Virtual Cr8tive launched is rehearsal mode, which allows your speakers, sponsors and exhibitors the opportunity to log in, explore the platform, have fun with it and practice their talks. This way, when it’s time to present they will have already mastered their session and ready to deliver an impactful presentation.
The benefits of virtual events is that it allows you to have a much bigger window to prepare, practice and implement protocols to empower your presenters in ways live events could never offer. At a live event, the AV company will be on site and any rehearsals usually take place on the day of the event. Virtual gives you the flexibility and freedom to work on other people’s schedule making the process less stressful.